Hello world!

The deep end of the pool. Have you been there? Have you visited that place where fear and faith meet? Maybe you jumped in voluntarily, feet first and cannonball style, sending a watery spray that made everyone nearby a participant in your deep dive. Maybe you were pushed, not wanting to find your head underwater, but then you discovered that life had other plans. But if you’ve taken the plunge, you know how it feels. The water is cold. It can take your breath away. Because in that place, that deep place of life where reckless courage is sometimes necessary just to survive the day, holy things happen.

“You write well.”

I have heard that phrase for most of my life. Today I heard someone speak about birthright gifts. She was referring to those gifts that are uniquely ours from the time we were small. I realized that one of these gifts for me is putting words to paper. I have always loved writing – whether it be a poem, a short story, or a strong, detailed report. But finding the courage to be vulnerable enough to write about my personal life lessons and my search for wisdom and community scares me. I think that’s why God whispered to me that He wants me to do it. It’s also the reason that I am choosing to listen to and obey that voice. Sometimes the easiest thing to do is to stop fighting the current. So here I go, back into the deep end of the pool again. This time I am going to try to relax and give myself permission to settle into this place that is so outside the zone of what seems comfortable to me. I hope you make the decision to join me here. There are lessons to be learned at the deep end of the pool.